This website belongs to a programme of training and capacity building for emission trading under the auspices of the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), which the Ecologic Institute and partners have implemented since 2009. Supported by the European Commission, the programme seeks to provide participants from developing countries and emerging economies with knowledge to develop and implement emissions trading as a cost-effective policy instrument to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A suite of formats help to improve local skills and expertise in the target countries, and thus to enable the establishment of emission trading systems. The various events include summer schools, regional training courses and master classes, where participants will get a comprehensive in-depth training on the design and implementation of emissions trading systems over a period of two weeks. In addition, smaller and more focused training activities in form of regional workshops, seminars and a webinar series are part of the programme.
The consortium is led by the Ecologic Institute – a Berlin based independent think tank, which conducts inter- and transdisciplinary research in a wide spectrum of environmental topics. The Ecologic Institute can rely on a rich history of project work in the field of carbon pricing and emission trading systems. The institute has conducted a variety of studies and organized emissions trading events and trainings worldwide.
ICF is a global consulting and technology services provider with more than 7,000 professionals. For more than 40 years, ICF has been recognised as a leading global provider of climate change policy expertise, and was one of the first consultancies to develop an extensive and continuously operating climate change practise. ICF has been involved in developing cap-and-trade markets and voluntary environmental compliance schemes and other forms of carbon pricing for over 20 years and has assisted both private companies and government agencies in the development and analysis of these market-based programmes.
Get2C is a Portuguese company founded in 2011 that builds on more than 20 years of experience of its team in environment, climate policy, carbon markets, energy projects and strategic consulting. Get2C has been involved in research and advocacy related to the transition in carbon markets from the Kyoto Protocol to the nascent framework of the Paris Agreement. Get2C has also prepared policy initiatives such as carbon market readiness proposals, capacity building programs, stakeholder consultation processes and supervised programs to implement low carbon strategies. The company is based in Portugal with an office in Brazil, and has a vast experience working in Europe, Africa and Latin America.
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